- 18+ only 21+ preferred
- Relationships with IC Ozalie do not correlate to any kind of relationship OOC, friendship is welcome however anything else stays between our OC's.
- I do not approve of god mode RP (taking control of how another character reacts or what they do in whatever scenario we're playing) To clarify on this it's cool to add exposition on things like 'He notices the way X hides their side' all good! that's fine but saying 'He notices the way X hides their side and rushes to aid them' not cool, anything that 'takes an action' is a no no.
- Despite the darker side of Oz's story he will not be making any moves to kill other player characters without the players explicitly looking for a way to kill off/retire a character. He may at times do things that will harm other characters, threaten/poison/etc. but none of what he does ever has to have lasting effects on your character unless you want them too.
- LGBTQIA+ friendly, I mean all of it yes, no cherry picking what is and isn't okay, If you are good with LGB but not good with the TQIA+ part leave now, no exceptions.
- I do use mods both sfw and nsfw.
- I will block any and all people whom I suspect only approached me with the intent of getting mods or artwork for free. Further if the 'friendship' begins to feel more like tech-support where in we are no longer roleplaying and I'm just making you things I'm calling it off, I'm not gonna say anything I'm just gonna ghost and we can both move on.